Jack and Kyler's last day of preschool was today! I can't believe it! They had a final assembly where the classes got up and sang a few songs and then had a virtual scrapbook of pictures for parents to see. It was sooooo cute. Jack tried to sing and do the movements and Kyler was hilarious! He was singing so loud and clapping at the end of each song. He motivated the parents to start clapping at one point! We can't wait for school to start again in August!
Wait a minute? Didn't they just start? Love the idea for the two sided cake - I've been making two all these years, going to try that one next year! Love the boys at the zoo, remind me of Megan and Haley. One loves it, one wants nothing to do with it! Too funny.
Kim - isn't that always the way it goes. Totally different interests. At least no one was complaining!
So, no more Target alone for a while, huh!
So cute. Love the pictures. I can't believe how big they are getting.
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