Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas Thieves!

So, we finally got our tree up at the beginning of the month and I tried to put all of the "good" ornaments towards the top of the tree. I had no idea these guys were so tall. Seriously. So much for that idea. They are getting used to it now, though, thank goodness. We are so excited for Santa to come this year. Jack and Kyler have their lists ready...


Unknown said...

Cute photos - they are getting tall!

Char said...

very cute, and I see you do still have some on the tree!!

Aimee's Family Journal said...

So cute! I just love how one is straight and the other is curly! Hook me up with your message for visiting teaching. My email for the newsletter is:

Melanie said...

Oh they are just the cutiest boys ever